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Jersey Shore Summer 2020 Beach Guide

The Shore Book

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

As we have all come to know, social-distancing regulations and policies are the new norm for our favorite haunts – and beach destinations are no exception. So, before leaving home check out these directives and contact sites for each individual town. General information: Beach badges are required from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 7 days a week from Memorial Day weekend until Labor Day; Dogs have restricted use of the beaches and are allowed during the off-season from October 1st through May 1st; Bikes and scooters are allowed on the boardwalk from 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

Beach Badges: The number of daily and seasonal beach passes sold will be limited. All sales for beach passes for the 2020 Season will be done exclusively through the Viply mobile app. Daily beach passes will be available for purchase each day at 5 p.m. for the following day only.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Access to restroom facilities will be limited to one person at a time. Face coverings or masks will need to be worn when using restroom facilities. Beach showers, water fountains and new water bottle refilling stations will be unavailable until further notice. 

Parking: Visitors will be required follow paid parking guidelines and are urged to use the Park Mobile app ( for payment instead of parking kiosks to help stop the spread of COVID 19.

Beach Badges: Adult season badges are now SOLD OUT both in person and online. SENIOR AND YOUTH SEASONAL BEACH BADGES ARE AVAILABLE AT THE TAG BOOTHS WHEN THE BEACH IS OPEN at:

Washington Ave., Norwood Ave., & Sylvania Ave. tag booths will be open daily, weather permitting.  Seasonal badges are exact change or check only.  To pay by check you must present a valid driver's license, your phone number and have the check made out to the Borough of Avon. Daily badges will be available for purchase through our Viply app beginning at 7 AM day-of-use.  Sales of daily badges are limited to 750 badges a day.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Bathroom availability will be reduced, and one shower will be open to rinse off. However, showers will not be available at the outset of the season. Bathrooms will only be opened on weekends until June 15. The use of face coverings or masks are strongly encouraged while using the bathroom facilities.

Parking: No parking on Ocean Avenue except for the handicapped parking spots. No diagonal parking at all in the Borough. As a result, parking will be limited this season.

Beach Badges: Daily Badge sales will be available 7 days a week. Additional ticket booths for daily badge sales have been added to the boardwalk, as well as two booths at the top of Silver Lake.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Face masks must be worn to enter a boardwalk restroom.

Parking: Beachfront paid parking will only be available through the ParkMobile app.

Beach Badges: Adult season badges are SOLD OUT both in person and online. When, and if, more are available the Borough will make an announcement. Junior and Senior season badges are still available in person and online. Daily badges are available on the Viply mobile app and in person.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Bathroom facilities will be open. Foot rinses on the boardwalk are available.

Parking: All Parking on the East Side of Ocean Avenue and the East End of Bradley Blvd is Paid Parking. The parking spaces are numbered, and payment is accepted at the Pay Station Kiosks located on Ocean Avenue and Sylvan Lake.

Beach Badges: Daily badges are available at beach openings starting. Season badge sales resumed June 8 online via Community Pass. All pre-purchased parking passes and season badges will be available for pickup at the beach office starting June 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Main Beach restroom open June 13. Brielle Road bathrooms are open daily from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Starting June 13, all restrooms will open daily from 8 a.m. to dusk. Showers and water fountains will be installed in traditional locations throughout Phase 2 reopening and will all be fully operational on June 13.

Parking: Daily parking passes are on sale and pre-purchased parking passes and season beach badges will be available for pickup at the beach office starting June 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The remaining season parking passes will be sold in person on June 9 starting at 8 a.m. at the Manasquan Beach Office (205 Beachfront). See website for details.

Beach Badges: Season badges are SOLD OUT.

Daily passes may be purchased with the VIPLY app and will go on sale the evening before the date of their use. There will be a limit on daily passes.

Pick up at the Auditorium Box Office, 21 Pilgrim Pathway, at the following times:

Friday 4pm – 7pm

Saturday 8am – 4pm

Sunday 12pm – 4pm

Friday 4pm – 7pm

Saturday 8am – 4pm

Sunday 12pm – 4pm

Beach Badges: All badge sales, including seasonal and daily badges, must be purchased online at as there will be no sales at the beachfront. Sales are limited. Once the limit has been reached, sales will close. Daily badges will be sold by areas of the beach.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Bathrooms are open with new cleaning protocols and social distancing guidelines enforced. Showers and water fountains will not be available. Residents and visitors are required to wear make when utilizing bathrooms, snack bars and access points, as well as when interacting with beach staff, lifeguards, or police officers. The boardwalk is open.

Beach Badges: Adult and senior citizen season badges may still be available. Please check online at the link below. Daily badges are sold at the following locations: The Pavilion on Beacon Boulevard; New York, Philadelphia, and Trenton beach entrances. Please note access to the beach may be restricted if the premises become too crowded; this restriction applies to both season and daily badge holders. Patrons are urged to wear masks when interacting with our staff.

Restrooms and Beach Amenities: Bathroom facilities are open; social distancing will be enforced, and bathrooms will be closed on a periodic basis for cleaning. Outdoor showers are open; water fountains will not be available. The concession will be closed.

Parking: There are no parking restrictions in effect currently.

Point Pleasant Beach:

Beach Badges: Seasonal badges may be purchased online. The Boardwalk is open and with it access to Jenkinson’s Beach.

Parking: Public and private parking lots are available, but only residents with placards are permitted to park on any street east of the railroad tracks. Guests must always maintain a proper 6-foot distance while fishing or conducting other activities.

Bay Head:

Beach Badges: All badges can be purchased in-person or online through the Bay Head Improvement Authority. Seasonal, half-season and daily badges are available.


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